Archive for May, 2010

A căzut iarăşi cortina,

Astăzi pânzele sunt sus

Ismail işi ia adio

De la rolul de demult!

Marea îşi plânge temicerul

Portul cântă efemerul

Din Jean ce a mai rămas?
Doar eternul fară glas….

Adio pescaruş zglobiu…

Adio zâmbet de lumină,

Adio înger fără somn….

Al râsului, maetru, domn!

Astăzi voi posta un articol despre un subiect tabu în ţara noastră. De la început ţin să vă anunţ că nu sunt nici pro nici contra gay şi lesbiene.  Într-o  ţara europeană nu ne mai putem ascunde după deget: gay şi lesbienele există. Blamate dar în acelaşi timp ridicate în slăvi, aceste comunităţi  ajung de cele mai multe ori subiect de scandal. Oare de ce? Oare  heterosexualii care merg la prostituate în pe stradă şi în  bordeluri nu sunt greţoşi? Prejudecăţile românilor şterg orice urmă de umanitate din privirea acestor comunităţi. Dacă eu îndrăznesc să îmi sărut iubitul pe stradă; ei de ce să nu o facă? Atâta timp cât nu deranjează pe nimeni eu personal nu am o problemă cu asta.  În oraşele din ţara noastră nu am văzut persoane de acelaşi sex ţinându-se de mână sau pur şi simplu privindu-se.  De ce să ne batem joc de sentimentele unor oameni ce nu au nici o vină că s-au născut aşa? Sunt întrebări la care societatea încă nu are curajul să răspundă, ei bine o voi face eu: pură prostie.

După doar 21 de ani de la revoluţie România fierbe. Criza financiară a ajuns să ne macine şi să ne aducă la nebunie.  Nu pot descrie în cuvinte  durerea unei societăţi umilite de o clasă politică incapabilă.
Mâine, 19 mai 2010 capitala va fierbe în clocot.  60000 de oameni sunt  părtaşi la o grevă ce va paraliza o întreagă Românie. Poveştile de adormit brbelusii pe care ni le tot gudură prin faţă Emil Boc şi Traian Băsescu au devenit penibile.
Într-o ţara în care  premierul dă declaraţii publice, abia după câteva zile de la plecarea reprezentanţilor Băncii Mondiale, Fondului Monetar Internaţional şi Comisiei Europene nu mai putem cere seriozitate.
Guvernul României ne  vorbeşte  despre creşteri ale pensiilor şi  salariilor mult prea mari în ultimii ani; întrebare: cine a fost la putere în aceşti ani? Nu, nu cred că dizolvarea guvernului  ar fi o soluţie plauzibilă. Birocraţia specific românească ar ucide  o societate deja mult prea imblonavita.
Oare până când? Din 1990 până acum la conducere  este aceeaşi mână de oameni ce se tot învârte  din opoziţie la putere şi invers.  Greaţa cetăţenilor români va ajunge la un nivel de saturaţie. Acest popor  otrăvit în mizeria umană  din păcate va muri innecat în propria stare de letargie.
Treziţi-vă români, nu o revoluţie  vă readuce libertatea şi dreptul la o  viaţă mai bună; demintatea va  dobândi aceste lucruri.  Ce câştigăm dacă ieşim în stradă şi nu ne bagă nimeni în seamă? Nimic. Doar pură umilinţă.
Haideţi să acţionăm inteligent, nu ca barbarii!

După doar 21 de ani de la revoluţie România fierbe. Criza financiară a ajuns să ne macine şi să ne aducă la nebunie.  Nu pot descrie în cuvinte  durerea unei societăţi umilite de o clasă politică incapabilă.  Mâine, 19 mai 2010 capitala va fierbe în clocot.  60000 de oameni sunt  părtaşi la o grevă ce va paraliza o întreagă Românie. Poveştile de adormit brbelusii pe care ni le tot gudură prin faţă Emil Boc şi Traian Băsescu au devenit penibile.  Într-o ţara în care  premierul dă declaraţii publice, abia după câteva zile de la plecarea reprezentanţilor Băncii Mondiale, Fondului Monetar Internaţional şi Comisiei Europene nu mai putem cere seriozitate.  Guvernul României ne  vorbeşte  despre creşteri ale pensiilor şi  salariilor mult prea mari în ultimii ani; întrebare: cine a fost la putere în aceşti ani? Nu, nu cred că dizolvarea guvernului  ar fi o soluţie plauzibilă. Birocraţia specific românească ar ucide  o societate deja mult prea imblonavita.  Oare până când? Din 1990 până acum la conducere  este aceeaşi mână de oameni ce se tot învârte  din opoziţie la putere şi invers.  Greaţa cetăţenilor români va ajunge la un nivel de saturaţie. Acest popor  otrăvit în mizeria umană  din păcate va muri innecat în propria stare de letargie.  Treziţi-vă români, nu o revoluţie  vă readuce libertatea şi dreptul la o  viaţă mai bună; demintatea va  dobândi aceste lucruri.  Ce câştigăm dacă ieşim în stradă şi nu ne bagă nimeni în seamă? Nimic. Doar pură umilinţă.  Haideţi să acţionăm inteligent, nu ca barbarii!

Intr-o Romanie plina  demizerie umana si  inducere in eroare hip-hopp-ul ramane definitia adevarului suprem.  Aruncand in sistem cu “vorbe grele“. trupa B.U.G Mafia atrage atentia asupra  falsitatii societatii romanesti.

Vocea unei intregi natiuni este inglobata in versuri agresive dar rupte din realitate. Intr-o tara in care 99,9% din populatie injura ca la usa cortului, nu stiu de ce se mai mira unii de limbajul folosit in textele trupei de hip-hop.

De 17 ani  veteranii genului incearca sa ne scoata din visare si sa  contureze intr-un limbaj simplu si inteles de toti o realitate dura.  B.U.G  Mafia nu istiga la violenta, ci ne implora sa intelegem ca lumea in care traim se autodistruge pe zi ce trece…

In aceasta seara presedintele Romaniei Traian Basescu a facut cateva declaratii ce ne-au uimit pe toti. Recunosc,  am fost foarte surprinsa de atitudinea premierului-presedinte de a da o declaratie care il incrimineaza.

Nu sunt un mare fan Basescu, dar de data asta am apreciat sinceritatea de care a dat dovada.  Romanii il denigreaza  pe presedintele tarii dar uita ca tot ei l-au reales. Nu inteleg ce se plang unii care insistau ca marinarul este cel mai potrivit.

Saraca tara bogata a cam inteles: “Pe asta il avem cu asta defilam”  In situatia de fata noi cetatenii nu avem nici o solutie, munca noastra va fi o munca voluntara.

Traiasca Romania, traiasca libertatea!

Buna ziua,

Aceasta este programarea dumneavoastra, pentru tratamentul cu celule stem. Puteti sa zburati direct pe aeroportul dinShijiazhuang , sau pe aeroportul din Beijing , unde va vor astepta coordonatorii nostri, va vor prelua, si va vor conduce, cu masina, pana in spitalul din Shijiazhuang . Invitatia o veti primi dupa ce ne veti furniza datele din pasaport, ale dvs si insotitorului dvs.

Sper ca aceaste informatii v-au fost de ajutor. Va rog, sa-mi spuneti cum va pot ajuta in continuare si nu ezitati sa-mi trimiteti orice intrebari pe care le aveti. Puteti sa-mi scrieti e-mail, sau sa ma sunati in orice moment.

Va rog sa-mi confirmati daca ati prinit acest e-mail. Numarul meu de telefon este 0744650751.
Va multumesc.
Cu stima,
Gabi Razvan Iordache.

Gabi Razvan Iordache (0744650751)

Reprezentatul pacientilor

Departamentul International

Shenzhen Beike Biotechnology Co., Ltd.
9/F, Zhongke Building , No.1 Hi-Tech South Street
South Area, Shenzhen Hi-Tech Industrial Park
Shenzhen , Guangdong Province, China 518057
Tel: +86 0532-6677-6659
Fax: +86 0532-8577-9113


Below is the Confirmation of Treatment. Please confirm with us as soon as possible that you have received this confirmation and that no changes need to be made.

Treatment Confirmation:

• Patient’s name:  GEORGETA CONSTANTIN

• Sex: Female

• Nationality: Romanian

• Date of birth:  August 18, 1972

• Diagnosis: Spastic Paraparesis

• Treatment location:  Bethune International Peace Hospital, Shijiazhuang.

• Please fly into the following city:  Shijiazhuang or Beijing, China

• Admission date:  December 15, 2010

• Discharge date:  January 25, 2011

• Treatment description:  8 packets of umbilical cord blood-derived stem cells (UCBSC)

• Treatment notes:  Packets will be injected by IV or LP.

• Additional notes:  Invitation letter needed and will send to her e-mail when she will provide the passport dates.

• Returning patient:  No.

• Patient Service Representative: Gabi.

Attached to this email you will find detailed information about:

•       Registration Schedule

•       Helpful Tips and Reminders

•       Letter of Invitation

Travel Information:

You are required to submit the online Travel Information Request form at least 2 weeks before arrival. This will assist our staff in setting up transportation for the patient and caregivers. The form is at:

Payment Confirmation:

A deposit of approximately 20% of the total expense is required to be made via wire transfer within two weeks for booking your treatment in order to reserve the patient room at the hospital. Deposits are considered non-refundable except in the case of medical/emergency situations. If you need to rearrange your dates after your original booking, we will be happy to carry over your deposit to your new travel dates. The remaining balance is due 30 days prior to your arrival date. If the deposit or final payment is not received by the dates required, your booking will be cancelled and the registration process will need to begin again.

Payment Notification for Beike Clients:

You are required to submit the online Payment Notification for Beike Clients form every time a payment has been transferred. This will assist our financial department to track the payment and provide you a confirmation of the payments arrival. We also request you obtain a receipt from your bank when the payment has been transferred and send this receipt to us either in the online form or faxed to our office at +86 755-8630-9309. All information sent using the online form is secure. The Payment form is at:

Please Note:

It is important you include the patient’s or caregiver’s name on the wire transfer (usually in the “By Order Of” or “Payment Details” section). If this is not included, our financial department will not know which patient the payment is for and we will not be able to provide a receipt or notification of the payment’s arrival.

• Total cost (in US dollars):  $ 32.300

• Deposit Amount (in US dollars):  $ 6.460

• Deposit due date:  May 14, 2010

• Final payment due date:  November 15, 2010

• Price of additional SCT’s if opted for during your stay: $3500.00 USD

Account Information:

Please send all payments to the following account:

Beneficiary Bank: HSBC Hong Kong

Address: Unit 620, Citylink Plaza, Shatin Station Circuit, Shatin, Hong Kong

Account owner: Beike International (HK) Limited

Account owner address: Unit 602, 6/F, Causeway Bay Commercial Building, 1 Sugar Street, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong

Account number: 819-181678-838


Note: The patient/caregiver is responsible for reimbursing Beike for all transaction fees incurred before the payment reaches HSBC HK.

• If payments are not received on time your booking will be automatically cancelled.

• You will automatically receive receipts for all payments made and confirmed. These will be sent when our bank has confirmed acceptance of the payment.

• Please bring with you all important medical records and MRIs/CTs/X-rays for the patient. These might be required by the hospital to review before treatment begins. Please make copies of all these documents and pictures before arriving as some of these records may be kept by the hospital.

• Please make sure the patient avoids any infections or sicknesses before arrival as this can delay the start of treatment. Each additional day at the treatment center will be US$200.00. It is important to let your Beike service representative know as soon as possible if the patient becomes sick before treatment or has been affected by any new medical ailments. The costs of any tests, treatments, and/or medications required at the center before the start of stem cell treatment due to infections or previously undisclosed medical conditions is not included in the cost of stem cell treatment.

•  Before the first injection a hospital coordinator will provide you with the necessary consent forms to complete. At this time the patient or caregiver should complete the following forms if applicable: “Informed Consent Form of Stem Cell Treatment,” “Anesthesia Consent Form,” “Announcement Form of Admission of Patient,” and “Agreement of Authorization on the Use of Case Information.” Please inform your patient service representative if you wish to view these consent forms before arrival.

•  Our coordinators are only able to provide native Chinese and English translation services. If both the patient and caregiver(s) is unable to communicate in English or Chinese, it will be mandatory for the patient to arrange a personal translator to help with communication while at the center.

• Please remember that food services, cost of laundry, and long distance calling are not included in the price of the treatment.

• We recommend you buy travel insurance before coming to China. Travel insurance can help to cover any costs incurred from accidents and the subsequent medical expenses, lost luggage, cancelled flight tickets, and emergency returns home. Please ask your local insurance company for further information.

• Please keep in mind that the final treatment decision is still made by the doctors at the center after a physical evaluation of the patient upon arrival. If the doctors find or learn about any medical condition that could cause complications with the treatment, they can refuse treatment and all money will be refunded to the patient.

• Finally, our doctors highly recommend that no patients receive any vaccinations within 15 days of the treatment starting date. Currently there are no scientific publications regarding the relationship between vaccinations and stem cell treatment. However, some scientists have suggested that vaccinations may either increase or decrease the effectiveness of treatment. We have not come across any conclusive or anecdotal evidence to suggest which may happen. Thus it is recommended any vaccinations are completed at least 15 days prior to the start of treatment. And if not inconvenient, it is probably best to avoid any vaccinations at least two months before treatment.

• We do understand some patients may prefer to receive vaccinations before coming for stem cell treatment due to reasons such as preventing infectious diseases and/or scheduled vaccinations for children. However, for flu or H1N1 shots, we do request that patients schedule these vaccinations at least 15 days before arriving in China. If you have any questions, please send us detailed information about a possible vaccination (why, when, what, etc.) so we can consult with our doctors and give a recommendation.

  • Mr. Gabi (Razvan) Iordache
Please write the email address you have been using when contacting Beike. *
Patient Name * Georgeta Constantin
Patient’s Primary Diagnosis * spastic paraparesis
Patient’s current height and weight: * 150 cm, 60 kg
Patient’s Passport Number (Including passport’s country of issue. If the patient does not yet have a passport, please write this in the space below):* The Patient does not have a passport at the moment but it will be ready by the time of the trip to China.
Yes, I would like a blog set up using the following name:
Approximate date patient wishes to be admitted to the hospital: * Wednesday, December 15, 2010
  • Shijiazhuang, China (Bethune International Peace Hospital)
Is the patient interested in upgrading to a large or extra large room?
  • No
  • 8 packets
Is the patient registering for bone marrow derived mesenchymal injections? (The patient’s bone marrow is aspirated upon arrival and two packets will be cultured and injected) This treatment of two packets will be included in the above number of overall packets used in the treatment.
  • No
Is the patient registering for treatment for heart related condition including heart disease or heart attack?
  • No
ONLY for Spinal Cord Injury patients: Is the patient registering for one stem cell packet to be injected locally?
  • No
Number of people traveling (including patient) * 2
Name of Caregiver Gheorghe Doja
Relationship with the patient & Passport Number Friend. The person does not have a passpaort at the moment but it will be ready by the time of the trip to China.
Letter of Invitation: In order to receive an entry visa for China, many of our patients need to provide their local Chinese embassy with a letter of invitation. Do you need us to provide you with a Letter of Invitation?
  • No
Is the patient wheelchair bound? *
  • Yes
Can the patient transfer into and sit in a regular car/van? *
  • Yes
Does the patient require a handicap accessible van with wheelchair lift?
  • Yes
What type of wheelchair does the patient use? Manual
Does the patient require oxygen? *
  • No
Does the patient require frequent repositioning? *
  • No
Does the patient currently have any infections? *
  • Yes
If so, please describe in detail. Urinary Infection
Does the patient currently have anybed sores? *
  • No
Does the patient require a catheter? *
  • No
Does the patient currently have aUrinary Tract Infections (UTI)? *
  • Yes, and the patient frequently has UTIs.
Has the patient received at least one vaccination in the past three months?
  • No
Would you like a patient representative to call you to confirm this registration?
  • Yes